When we attack and judge others.
Why is it that we or others can be extremely judgmental and go on the attack?
Those attacks and judgments can indicate that there are parts and aspects of ourselves that do not want to be looked at and are difficult to expose. It’s easier to avoid, distract, and put our attention on others when we are trying to run the other way from looking inward and avoiding those “uncomfortable” feelings about ourselves.
Another aspect that comes into play is when our judgments are getting loud is there an area in your life that you are not feeling fulfilled? Is there a need that isn’t being met? It may take on a slightly different shape when doing some self-reflection but it can really allow us to see areas of our life that we aren’t showing up as best as we can.
Lastly, is your inner critic extremely loud? Notice when you have your “judging” glasses on because that can correlate with our internal dialogue breaking us down and critiquing aspects of yourself and your life.
What can we do?
Our judgments of others can allow us to look inward, do some self-reflection, and see what needs attention
When others judge and attack remind yourself that their inner critic must be extremely vocal and imagine how difficult that would be?
Replace judgment with curiosity towards yourself and others. We have no idea what people are really going through and before judging, get curious as to why they would behave that way or what is going on for them? The same goes for looking inward. Notice any themes about your judgments and try to do some self-reflection.